Our Collection
The Original
This is the design that started it all. It is the pattern that caught our eye and made us fall in love with mendil fabrics. That’s why we’ve named it the orginal Can Zin.
We’re not big into labels, so we decided to introduced a pink line to all our new mendils instead. That way you always know your mendil is a Can Zin.
It is also our mission to collect old mendils. We use them to inspire our new pieces and to conserve a truly ancient art.
Most mendils have the same pattern on both sides. But our reversibles are like having two mendils in one. Change the side depending on your mood — diamonds or pompoms?
Have sweaters that your children have outgrown or from a loved one who has passed on? Give those threads new life by sending them to us. We will unravel them and use that same thread to create a mendil that will warm your home and your soul.