What is a mendil?

Mendils were originally hand-spun and hand-woven shawls and skirts worn by jbala women in northern Morocco. Historically, you could identify the tribe that made the mendil by its design and colors.

Traditional red and while mendil

Mendil in traditional red and white colors

Today, the red and white mendil has become the symbol of the entire region. But they come in many colors and have several uses beyond attire – quickly transforming into a must-have piece of home decor. Blanket. Tablecloth. Rug. Throw. Whatever the use, each one is considered a masterpiece to be passed on to future generations.

How are mendils made?

Mendil loom

Mendil loom called a mramma

Both men and women artisans create mendils from wool or cotton on looms called mramma. Each loom carries a blessing called a Baraka that gets passed down with the loom and with the fabrics, blankets and rugs that are made on it. The wool comes from second-hand sweaters that are bought in bulk and then unravelled by hand. That fiber is then dyed at the local souk and put on spools. A single mendil can take several weeks to make, even for a master craftsperson.

Dyed thread for mendil weaving

And each mendil is totally unique. You can tell a mendil is handmade by its imperfections. Look for the knots where one thread connects with another. Quality mendils will have these knots evenly distributed. See how some stripes are slightly thicker than others. And how some patterns are just ever so slightly inconsistent. These are your mendil’s beauty marks. Enjoy them!

What can I do with my mendil?

Similar to the better-known wool kilim blankets from the Ifrane middle-Atlas region, mendils make great blankets and rugs. You can put that at the foot of bed as both decoration and to protect the bed from feet or shoes, or throw them on the back of neutral couch or armchair to give it a dose of color and style.

Salad lunch on m

Mediterranean salad served on mendil tablecloth

Mendils are beautiful conversations pieces that you can hang on the wall like any other piece of art. They work wonders in a noisy room to dampen sound such as in a restaurant or home office. I use my mendils as tablecloths. My family frequently dines outdoors and I love how the sturdy mendil stays on the table and doesn’t blow away. Cotton mendils are an easy carry-along for picnic on the beach. Perhaps the better question is, what can’t you do with a mendil?


How to clean and care for your wool mendil


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